Monday, March 28, 2011


Song (page 707) C. Day Lewis

I read through many poems, to find this one.  Again, I love when a poem makes you think in your own version of what is trying to be said.  It means different things, to different people.  This poem is sweet (related to love), sour (dispair of trying to love, and the results to one who is in love.  Love is so universal, yet dynamic.  It is something everyone shares.

Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now

Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now (page 670) by: A. E. Housman

I choose this poem because of what it inspires me to think about.  It draws a picture and I started to think about the person who was writing it and what they were doing and how they were feeling and what they were seeing.  Being out in a field of cherry trees, lying on their back, thinking of the seasons past and how the trees have changed and grown.  And the tree, what about the tree and what it was doing?  Living, growing, changing and beating the odds of the weather and conditions.  Most people have plants, indoor, outdoor, and nuture them and help them grow.  It's exciting when they bloom, blossom and grow..

Poem- TIME


© Erin Friedrichs
The question that is asked the most; we hear it everyday,
“What time Is it?” they want to know, and then they go away.
It's time for bed, it's time for work, or time to feed the fishes,

It's time to take your medicine, or wash and dry the dishes.
Time in seconds, time in hours, so many freckles past a hair,
depending on the zone, or whether daylights savings there.
Time is measured many ways from minutes to months,
Time is what keeps everything from happening at once!

A time to live, a time to die, a time for having fun,
Clocks and calenders alike, all scheduled by the sun.
Intervals that cant be hurried, will not be denied,
a season that we know that's coming, as surely as the tide.

If there ever comes a time when time will be no more,
I wonder how we'll know to quit, or when it was before.
Do we hurry? Do we loaf? It depends upon the time...
Had we started earlier, we'd be finished with this rhyme.

Source: Time, Rhyming Poems
This poem made me smile as it read it and to think about how I deal with time.  Do I use my time well, spend it with the right people, or waste time that could be spent in better ways.  Why do we spend time?- is it like money?  Well, once it is used it is no more!!  Everyone thinks about time management and planning what we are going to do with our time and at times wish we had not spent those minutes, hours, days, doing things we regret after the time is gone.  I guess time is revolving??-it comes, it goes (like money).  What time is it?  It's time to move on to the next poem.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Poetry is much a part of literature, it contains a story, and has a meaning.  It is developed from rhyme, rhythm and sometimes repetition of words.  The words flow in a different way from a novel, or short story, yet still has a meaning. 
Poems can be long, or short and still have the same amount of meaning. 
While reading poetry, you have to think between the lines, develop your own  sense of interpretation.  It is always fun to have a decision with several people who have read the same poem.  To compare how each felt the presentation, meaning and what the author wanted us to learn for it.
In my younger years, I enjoyed poetry much more that now, I truly thought someday I would write an amazing poem!!


I have wondered why do I go to the same place, same time of year, and do the same things when vacation time rolls around.  Maybe because it is familiar, maybe because I am afraid of change, or is it just convienent? 
This year I am going to stay at a different hotel, yet in the same area, at the same beach, but promised myself to visit different sites, and changed the dates alittle.  This may be a small step towards the future in picking a whole new place to visit the following year!!


Riding?...a mode of traveling upon something with energy.  Okay, so why do I enjoy riding?  To get from point a to point b?  Probably not, it's the experience that is so enjoyable.  The motion, the freedom; whether riding my horse or my motorcycle. Experiencing the views, learning about different things as I travel, and the power of serenity I feel.  What do you hold close to your heart and enjoy doing??

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Curse

Oh my gosh, as a mother of a grown child, my per-say "curse" is what in the world did I do wrong.  This not necessarily a curse, by I am sure every mother, world wide, has feelings of regret, questions their reasoning during raising their child, and yes, wish some things could be different. 
My son, married with twin boys, is now pursueing a career in clergy.  The road way rocky, yet now satisfying.  I feel responsible for the years that he endured in learning and experience that were negative, but lessons learned.  Time traveled and people change, grow and learn from their experience and become who they are intended to be.  Both, me and my son learned many lessons through out the years of growing up....

"Blue Winds Dancing"

Horseback riding is very important to me.  The feeling of serenity, while riding a large animal, being in nature and communicating without words is indescribable.  While riding, my heart is tender, my senses alert, and the feeling of peace is unmeasureable.
My thoughts are everywhere, thinking of all aspects of my life in a calm, relaxing way.  The experience is different each and every time.  I pray, I never get too old to ride...


There was a time in my life, eight years ago, when I felt there was no future in sight for me to have a partner.  I met a man, very nice, sweet and caring, just totally wrong for me.  His lifestyle was nothing like mine, my goals were totally differnet from his.  I did not realize at the time that men too can and will help guide you to acheive your goals, OHH, how lucky was I!!

The Black Cat, Edgar Allan Poe, p 513

The term "perversenses" can be very complicated for anyone to understand.  I, myself, own cats, and feel that the term relates to their nine lifes.  This may be myth or reality, depending on how one relates to the animal.  I feel that cats do indeed have nine lifes, they pervere through many tradegeties and obsticles.  Climbing trees, running from dogs, and other preditors. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life Lessons

As we walk through life, viewing situations through our owns eyes, there are times we need to think about how others, "see", "feel" and "see" related to the  same situation.  Many years ago, I started my career in the medical field.  I met a person who was on a ventilator, had Multiple Scerlosis, and was limited in her movements.  At first I wanted to "take over", do everything for her, ven think for her.  As I got to know her better, it turned out she knew more than the average person about many different topics.  I learned to step back and let her be her, and to listen and learn.  Just because she was limited physically, mentally she was very intelligent.  Oh, things I learned, when I took the time to listen......


Minimalism, is the simplisity or least information surrounding a topic as I view it.  The basic description of minimalism described in the story is like when the descibe "holding holds", did it really need that mush information related to a simple action.  Another example is, "kissed lightly on the lips".
It really leaves nothing else to be elaborated on because it is put in minialistic words.

A rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily”
By William Faulkner

While reading the above short story, the word “deputation” was new to me. Reading the sentence did not help me define or narrow a meaning of the word. “Deputation”, a noun, means “the act of appointing a person or person to represent or act for another or others”. The sentence can be found on page 90, and reads as; “A deputation waited upon her, knocked at the door through which no visitor had passed since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier.”.
Reading the sentence, “a deputation”, reflects an object to me once I first read it. Then as the story unfolded it made more sense as to the true meaning involving a noun. Emily, did indeed, need someone to assist her in her decisions related to her relationship and finances. Emily did not choose to pursue this option; instead she took matters into her own hands and did not allow anyone to become involved in her life in any way. She was hiding within her home, her identity and a secret. Many words written and used in the 1930’s are truly different than what we read today.
Works Cited
Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily." Literature. Ninth ed. New York: Longman, 2009. 89-94. Print.
Roberts, Edgar V. ""A Rose for Emily"" Literature. Ninth ed. 89-95. Print.
Definition of "deposition"
“deputation.” Dictionary. Com Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. 21 Feb. 2011

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