Monday, March 28, 2011

Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now

Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now (page 670) by: A. E. Housman

I choose this poem because of what it inspires me to think about.  It draws a picture and I started to think about the person who was writing it and what they were doing and how they were feeling and what they were seeing.  Being out in a field of cherry trees, lying on their back, thinking of the seasons past and how the trees have changed and grown.  And the tree, what about the tree and what it was doing?  Living, growing, changing and beating the odds of the weather and conditions.  Most people have plants, indoor, outdoor, and nuture them and help them grow.  It's exciting when they bloom, blossom and grow..

1 comment:

  1. I live in the country and have a lot of fruit trees, cherry, apple, pear, plum etc. I love fruit. All my trees are beginning to bloom now and are beautiful. Each year as they grow I get more and more excited to see the fruit appear. They stay green and pretty through the summer and then like every year the fruit is gone and the leaves fall off. Winter coats them with snow and they appear dead. But, it never fails come spring they bloom again. I hope someday to have grandchildren to share my trees and fruit with. I love to just walk around and look at the beauty of God's creation.
