Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oedipus the King

I found this play very hard to understand.  I turned off the phone and TV, closed out facebook, run everybody off and put the dogs up so there were no distractions.  Then read, re-read and re-read until a light bulb dimly shined.

The problem was; understanding that Oedipus did not realize he was the killer!!  The assumption crept in slowly, that this may be the answer, then I ruled it out, then I believed it again.  It is obvious he knew he had killed at the cross roads?- did not question whom it may have been??  Maybe I assumed he knew he was adopted before he realized that he was the killer.  He talked as if he knew; "if it were I", " I will dispel the stain", " the man whom you have looked for as you pronounced your curses, your decrees on the bloody death of Laius, he is here!" and speaks of his kinship?  Puzzling to me!!  Then you can sense paranoia and a desire to make things rite when Oedipus speaks.


  1. I agree with this:) I did all of the thing you did. Read and read and read! It was confusing at first, but once the plot clicked...most of it made sense! It just took me a few times to really understand it. It is a twisted, sad story.

  2. This play is not so easy to read in my opinion because of its numerous footnotes--I call it--and language. I kept reading and trying to focus, and although I will admit some lines I didn't understand exactly, but I kept reading and I understood the big picture, the plot.
    I know, when he was trying to figure out who the killer was and slowly asking questions at everybody and how coincidentally he had related experiences, it took a good while for him to conclude. Of course one would conclude that they slept with their mother openly and quickly but it was like watching a thriller move. You know who killed the girl and the main character is getting closer and closer and you're just sitting off the edge of your seats to tell him to listen for once.

  3. I probably could/should read it another time to help myself to understand more. The persay footnotes did help me, than again I did use a dictionary also. The story as a whole "perplexing", in my view.

  4. I so aggree! I had to do the same thing, read and re-read. I could benefit to read the story a few times more.Just like windspirit1 I had to keep some reference material handy. The best part is that the class is very close to ending. Not sure about everyone else but I am ready for a break.

  5. I started the same way also but I ended up getting into it and I couldn't put my book down until I was finished. My heart went out the Oedipus as his fate was so tragic. Although I enjoyed it I'm glad this is over too!!!

  6. I see you are not the only one who had trouble understanding the play Oedipus the King. Girl I had so much trouble I was about in tears because it frustrated me to no end that I could not comprehend what I was reading and my sister suggested I google the play and maybe watch what I didn't understand and like you a light bulb started shinning real bright. I got so much understanding I actually went back and read the book and knew what I was reading. I must say I really enjoyed this play although it had a very sad ending.

  7. I am assuming that this was the hardest assignment of the semester. I am glad to hear that I was not the only one strugging with the play. I can say it was truly educational in many ways.
